Noran Omran
Noran Omran
- Underground- and (Social) Beat Literature
- Pop Literature
- Materiality and Mediality of Literatures
- Journal and Magazine Research
May 2024: New Alman Écriture: Popliterature and Postmigrant Perspectives
Diversity Day der FAU. 14. Mai 2024. In collaboration with Laura Sturtz.
March 2024: Permutative collaborations – joint text productions
Workshop: Together/Writing. Literary sociological and cultural studies perspectives on literary groups after 1945. March 14-15, 2024, Sulzbach-Rosenberg. Organization: Patrick Graur, M.A. (Erlangen) / Dr. Antonia Villinger (Erlangen). Together/writing. Literary sociological and cultural studies perspectives on literary groups after 1945 – GRK Literature and the Public (
Feb. 2024: Hybrids in interzones: On the staging of spatiality & identity in cut-ups
Research colloquium Philipps University Marburg. 01/02 Feb. 2024.
July 2023: Klacto/23 International
Workshop on journal research and human differentiation. July 25, 2023, Mainz. Organization: Dr. Sabina Fazli (Mainz) / Prof. Dr. Oliver Scheiding (Mainz). Workshop: Periodical Research and Human Differentiation – Transnational Periodical Cultures
June 2023: About a paradox: When the public does not want to be public
Workshop Media Diversity in German Literature. A methodological experiment. June 20-30, 2023, Erlangen. Organization: Marlene Kirsten (M.A., Bonn) / Noran Omran (M.A., Erlangen). Workshop: Media Diversity in German Literature. A methodological experiment | FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg
Okt. 2023: Sprawling in the FRG: ramifications of the zines Ulcus Molle Info, Gasolin 23 and many more in the journal rhizome
Workshop Literature of the Early Federal Republic: Material Cultures and Media Public Spheres. Oct. 6-7, 2023, Organization: David Brehm (M.A., Marburg) / Noran Omran (M.A., Erlangen). Post/Doc-Workshop “Literature of the Early Federal Republic: Material Cultures and Medial Public Spheres”, 6/7.10.2022 – News – Modern German Literature – Philipps University Marburg (
Aug. 2023: The media of German-language underground literature
Early Career Researcher Conference on Journal and Magazine Research. Aug. 23, 2023, Marburg. Organization: Dr. Vincent Fröhlich (Marburg) / Dr. Sven Schöpf (Bochum). Early Career Researcher Conference on magazine and journal research– Journals literature (
- Since April 2024, co-initiation in cooperation with the Office for Gender and Diversity: FAU Network: Mosaic – Community of PoC
- Since Oct. 2023, concept / organization: Editing of the GRK Newsletter
- July-Sep. 2024, scientific internship: German Art Archive of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg
- June 2023, Organization: Workshop Medienvielfalt der bundesdeutschen Literatur. A methodological experiment. June 20-30, 2023, Erlangen. Organization: Marlene Kirsten (M.A., Bonn) / Noran Omran (M.A., Erlangen). Workshop: Media Diversity in German Literature. A methodological experiment | FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg Workshop: Media diversity in German literature. A methodological test
- Oct. 2023, Organization: Workshop Literature of the Early Federal Republic: Material Cultures and Media Public Spheres.Oct. 6/7, 2023, Marburg. Organization: David Brehm (M.A., Marburg) / Noran Omran (M.A., Erlangen). Post/Doc-Workshop “Literatur der frühen Bundesrepublik: Materielle Kulturen und mediale Öffentlichkeiten”, 6./7.10.2022 – News – Modern German Literature – Philipps University Marburg ( „Literature of the Early Federal Republic: Material Cultures and Media Public Spheres.“
- Summer semester 24: Diversity (in) Literature (FAU, Erlangen/Nuremberg)
- Winter semester 23/24: German Underground Literatures (1969-1990) (FAU, Erlangen/Nuremberg)
- SoSe 22: Specialized tutorial: Entertainment literature in the 19th century, English (Philipps University, Marburg)
- Summer semester 21 – Summer semester 22: Written Rhetoric and Stylistics (Philipps University, Marburg)
- Winter semester 22/23: Christian Kracht’s novels – authorship, aesthetic procedures, impact (Philipps University, Marburg)
- Since October 2022 research assistant, doctoral candidate in the DFG Research Training Group 2806 Literature and the Public Sphere in Different Contemporary Cultures with a doctoral project on the German-language alternative press in the Federal Republic from 1968 onwards.
- From October 2022 to October 2024 doctoral student spokesperson at DFG Research Training Group 2806.
- Until September 2022 PhD student and lecturer at the Philipps University Marburg at the Institute for Contemporary German Literature.
- Until April 2021 tutor of the introduction to scientific working methods and text analysis at the Philipps University Marburg
- Until March 2021 Studies of German Language and Literature, Political Science and Philosophy at the Philipps University Marburg.