Ana Casas

Prof. Ana Casas

Universidad de Alcalá
Departamento de Filología, Comunicación y Documentación

Alcalá de Henares
Ana Casas is an Associate Professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Alcalá. As a specialist in contemporary narratives, she is the author, among others works, of the monographs El cuento español en la posguerra. Presencia del relato breve en las revistas literarias [The Spanish Short Story in the Postwar Period. (2007)] and Voces de lo fantástico en la narrativa española contemporánea [Voices of the fantastic in contemporary Spanish narrative (with David Roas, 2016)]. She is also the editor of La autoficción. Reflexiones teóricas [Autofiction. Theoretical reflections (2012)], El yo fabulado. Nuevas aproximaciones críticas a la autoficción [The fabled self. New critical approaches to autofiction (2014)], El autor a escena. Intermedialidad y autoficción [The author on stage. Intermediality and autofiction (2017)] and Pensar lo real: autoficción y discurso crítico [Thinking the real: autofiction and critical discourse (with Anna Forné, 2022)]. She belongs to the GEF (Fantastic Studies Group, at Autonomous University of Barcelona) and the Contemporary Literature Research Group-GILCO (University of Alcalá). She is the head editor of Pasavento. Journal of Hispanic Studies (