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Philosophische Fakultät und Fachbereich Theologie
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GRK Literatur und Öffentlichkeit
RTG Literature and the Public Sphere
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Research Program
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PhD Projects
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PhD Projects
Projects of the fellows of cohort 1 since 2022
Aktionsgruppe Banat in the Field of Tension between Literature and the Public (1965-1984)
Blurred Boundaries: Internet, Authenticity, and the Individual in 21st Century US Literature
Censorship systems in comparison: Brazil and GDR
Coal Texts. Coal as an Energy Source in German-Language Literature after 1945
Literary Interventions and Re-Imagined Communities in Contemporary Postmigrant Writing
Malagasy Present in the Focus of Photo-Literary Works
Media of German-Language Underground Literature - Networks of Transnational Counterpublics in the 20th Century
Mediating Otherness in Cultural Discourse: The Planetary Posthuman Subject in Afrofuturist Science Fiction
Publicity of poetry in the GDR. The series Poesiealbum (1967 to 1989/90)
Short storytelling in the 21st century – conditions for the emergence and general potentials of short narrative forms in the present
The AI Perspective: An Examination of Human and Artificial Co-Existence in North American SF Discourse
The Transformation of the Yugoslav Partisan after 1945 - Portrayal in Literature and Film
Whiteness as Usual? The Racial Politics of the 21st-Century Prize Novel
Projects of the associates of cohort 1 since 2022
Decolonial Constructions of Masculinities in North American Indigenous Writing Since the Late 1960s
Friedrich Georg Jünger after 1945: Publicity – Networks – Reception
I bet you think we’re a cult: Rethinking alternative religious movements in US literary production since the 1980s