Exhibition at the German National Library Leipzig

Completion of the DFG project
With two dates at once, the DFG project “Badly Made Books.
Subversive Publication Practices and Hybrid Artifacts of the Neo-Avant-Garde
in the post-digital age” by PD Dr. Annette Gilbert (Dept. of Germanic
& Comparative Literature) will conclude.
On Thursday, November 2, the exhibition “Schmuddelkind der
industry? Books on Demand” will open at the German Book and Type Museum of the
German National Library in Leipzig. There
experimental print-on-demand projects that artistically and critically examine the
and critically with the possibilities and effects of the new printing technology.
print technology. The exhibition can be viewed until February 18, 2024
can be visited.
Link to the exhibition:
Link to the “Library of Artistic Print on Demand: https://apod.li/
In addition, the collection of 300 books built up during the project will be
will be handed over to the Bavarian State Library in Munich for public
State Library in Munich for preservation and public use.
public use. As part of the Super Books artists’ book fair, PD Dr.
Annette Gilbert and project collaborator Andreas Bülhoff will hold a conversation
on the artistic potential of print-on-demand, which will be broadcast live on
broadcast on Radio 80000, and present the “Library of Artistic Print on
Demand” as a donation.
Link: https://www.hausderkunst.de/veranstaltungen/super-books-4-2